Welcome to the Chaos
About Me

- UberDorkGirlie
- Quirky single mom of two monkeys. I used to beat up the kids that picked on the "special students" during recess. Now I work with those with chronic mental illness. I speak quite a few languages, enjoy coed naked underwater basket weaving, have an addiction to Sushi and humor is my defense mechanism. Arrogant people make my right eye twitch. I'm ambidextrously brained, I will knit for tattoos, I am the friend that everyone comes to for advice and bail money. I pride myself on keeping my eyes, ears, heart and mind open. Making me laugh goes a long way with me, I think the brain is the sexiest organ and I'm the kinda gal you can take anywhere and I'll have a good time. Other than that, I'm just me.
The Epic Gift That Keeps On Giving
It started with a tweet from @shimmer418. A little thing called #BoobieWed. What is #BoobieWed? It’s a group of women that have made it a mission to raise breast cancer awareness across Twitter, Facebook and Myspace by reminding men and women to self examine. Every Wednesday a sea of supporters change their avatars to show their support. Having lost my aunt Carol, my first official partner in crime, to breast cancer, this hit home. Early detection may have saved her life.
That one tweet led to a cathartic post. A declaration “Yup, I’ve Got Boobies.” And ultimately, my polka dotted bra clad breasts went up on Twitter for my little group of followers to see. The reaction was mixed to say the least. But, as soon as that post went up, my awesome tribe of geek girls responded with an outpouring of love and support that went beyond just RT's. That's how we roll. One makes a stand, we stand behind her.
We come in all shapes and sizes, each one of them gorgeous in their own right. We cover every spectrum you could declare geeky and we do it proudly.
We are strong. We are geek. We have boobies. We use our powers for good.
And I am so proud to announce that we have banded together to create a project for the cause.
Announcing The #BoobieWed Epic Geek Girls Edition Calendar!
Complete With:
Over a year’s worth of awesome women proudly displaying their geek and their girlie.
Monthly reminders to self examine
Major (and not so major) Con dates printed right on it
Amy Ratcliffe
Carie Small
Chelsie Tinordi
Geek Girl Diva
Jennie Zells
Jessie Gurd
Kara Evans
Katie Doyle
Kristin Reilly- Geek Girls Network
Lisa Manglass
Maria Palafox
Natali Heuss- Uber Dork Cafe
Nicole Wakelin
Ruth LoveCraft
Why This Calendar is so Important and What Your Purchase Means:
There are more than 250,000 women living in this country that were diagnosed with breast cancer under that age of 40. That does not account for the thousands that did not detect it early enough and lost their battles with breast cancer as a result.
The strongest weapon in beating breast cancer is early detection. That is the fuel behind this project- driving home the importance of it and reminding women (and yes men) to check their breasts regularly and remind those in their life to do so as well.
A portion of the proceeds of all Calendar sales will go to the following organizations:
The Young Survival Coalition: YSC works with survivors, caregivers and the medical, research, advocacy and legislative communities to increase the quality and quantity of life for women diagnosed with breast cancer ages 40 and under.
Feel Your Boobies: FYB is a breast cancer non-profit organization whose mission is to create an annual reminder campaign that utilizes unexpected and unconventional methods to remind young women to “feel their boobies”.
Remember #BoobiesAreStrongerThanTheForce But they still need to be checked.
Ready to purchase your copies? Click here!
Give the Epic Gift That Keeps On Giving.
7:19 PM
Epic Geek Girl Calendar,
- #boobiewed
- #truthbat
- Always wear clean underwear
- animals
- assholes
- beer
- beer freak
- bffs
- bitter old hags
- boobies
- Cali
- cathardic
- cats
- chicken
- comfy as hell
- confusion
- crazy cat lady
- cupids on crack
- dating
- death
- declaration
- dork
- dream
- Epic Geek Girl Calendar
- family
- freak
- Freedom
- fresh start
- frog
- geek
- geekgirls
- geeklove
- geeks
- goodbye
- heartburn
- heathen
- holiday
- How The Hell Am I Their Daughter?
- Intervention
- Island of Love
- Japanese
- knitting
- Leeds
- lesbians
- lessons
- life
- love
- mental illness
- Michaels
- mission
- monkeys
- music.
- nataliisms
- nerd
- obi-wan
- pee
- pink
- procrastination
- psycho boy
- red rubber ball
- regret
- Rock the LAN
- roller coasters
- sadness
- Save The World Syndrome
- Seuss
- shakabuku
- sick of being sick
- silence
- single mom
- sisters
- skeletons
- some people are living zombies and some are just douchebags
- stalker
- star wars
- stupid hipsters with crooked soul patches and no regards for stop signs
- sushi
- tattoo
- things I know
- TInkerbell
- uberdork cafe
- woobie
- work
- wrong
- you know I've lost it when I'm quoting Beyonce
- zombie Natali
Got mine ordered!
Mine's ordered!
OMG Uber, you are more awesomeness than I even thought. I think this is most awesome and will be RTing this blog, every Wednesday! Let the Geeks and Gamers of the World know that Us geek girls, have a heart, have a cause, and take no prisoners!
Mine's ordered! On behalf of my family and friends who have been and are still fighting this - thank you. You should know this by now - but you and all these other geek girls ROCK!
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